We will do whatever it takes to empower the local indigenous believers in Africa to fulfill the Great Commission in their communities!


Witness the incredible work God has done through NCM in the first half of 2024,
and explore inspiring stories of faith and transformation! đź’›



Our vision is to end the injustice of people dying without having an opportunity to hear about salvation through Jesus Christ. We will do whatever it takes to empower the local indigenous believers in Africa to fulfill the Great Commission in their communities (Matthew 28:19–20). We will be known by our love of God and our love of people.

From coast to coast across Africa exists a “line in the sand”. Also known as “the tension belt”, this “line” is where terrorism, poverty, witchcraft, and corruption are destroying lives every day. This is the “frontline” where New Covenant has been called to spread the love of Jesus.


Our mission, is to strategically equip, train and send indigenous African church planters & missionaries to the most unreached places of their nations with an ambition to create locally sustained, kingdom focused, communities of Jesus followers in all of the nations of the “tension belt” and then into North Africa. We are taking the gospel where it has never been.


• To establish a self sustained evangelical church in every village that doesn’t have one.

• To fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) in every community we work in.

• To empower emerging leaders and see the multiplication of disciples among every generation.



On average, 143 people are choosing to follow Jesus every day after a transformative encounter with NCM workers. (This figure is based on the total number of salvations and recommitments divided across the year, with the latest update as of mid-2024.)


The Cornerstone of our ministry is indigenous church planting. We believe the fulfillment of the Great Commission depends on this. Jesus told us to disciple, baptize, and teach (Matthew 28:19-20). Those three things are done in the context of the local church.